What is HPV?
Human Papillomavirus or HPV is a highly contagious virus affecting both sexes. Infection with HPV can present in many ways, sometimes with no symptoms or signs at all. In other cases an infection with HPV can lead to genital warts as well as increase your risk of cancer of the cervix, penis, vulva, vagina, head, neck or anus. In fact, majority of cervical cancers are caused by HPV.
Prevention of HPV
Protecting yourself against an infection with HPV is important for both you and your partner. There are a number of ways to prevent infection with HPV, number one being get vaccinated, the HPV vaccine is 90% effective at preventing the contraction of HPV types responsible for genital warts as well as cancers, other ways include using condoms, and limiting number of sexual partners.
More information on prevention
A quick guide to HPV - From Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada (SOGC)
HPV information - From SOGC